Management of Occupational Health and Safety

Advanced Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) is the building block for residents who are interested in specializing in the field of OH&S or have the desire to further develop their skills. The curriculum of this 3-month program will introduce residents to the basic concepts of OH&S, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, as well as principles of risk identification and management. The program will help residents gain the essential level of knowledge and training in OH&S that is applicable to all occupations and industries, in addition to comprehending the level of training required for a particular area of interest. Residents’ completion of this program will enable them to recognize and manage physical and chemical risks and other types of stressors that affect the health of workers. They will contribute to improving the employability of workers through workplace re-design, maintenance of a healthy and safe work environment, training and retraining, assessment of work demands, medical diagnosis, health screening, and assessment of functional capacities.


Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess and manage a range of hazards in work settings and their associated occupational disorders
  2. Reflect on the benefits of applying occupational health and safety principles in the workplace and their impact on safety and productivity
  3. Identify sources of indoor pollutants and apply measures to minimize and reduce their pollution
  4. Manage hazardous waste through its identification, application of regulations, and incorporation of control techniques
  5. Draw appropriate inferences from epidemiologic data related to occupational health and safety hazards

Field Work

Residents spend seven weeks in the field work in order to be exposed to real-life situations and to practice the skills they gain with the guidance of a dedicated mentor. The following field projects are expected to be conducted during the field work period:

  1. Conduct an assessment of the common hazards in their work setting
  2. Develop a risk reduction plan for the assessed hazards
  3. Conduct an event to share the findings with the relevant staff in the workplace and raise issues related to safety measures

Targeted Group

The programs are targeting professionals working for ministries of health, non-governmental organizations, and humanitarian agencies. They are also valuable for those looking for a career in environmental and occupational health.

Duration: 3 Months
Courses: 5
Accredited By:


Residents who complete the three-month program requirements will be awarded Technical diploma issued by International Academy of Public Health (IAPH) and accredited by Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA).

Courses In This Program