Executive Director | Dr. Mohammed Rasoul Tarawneh, MD
Dr. Mohammad Rasoul Tarawneh brings thirty-years of experience to the Academy. From his roles at the Jordanian Ministry of Health to his current role as IAPH’s Executive Director for he has served in several positions. He was the Secretary General of the Higher Health Council, General Director of Primary Health Care, General Director of Health Planning, and Director of the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Directorate, as well as the Director of Cancer Prevention Directorate and the Director of training and Education, among others.
Dr. Tarawneh also held other positions within his career. He was the Acting President of the Jordan Medical Association, President of the Jordan Society of Family Medicine, and a senior consultant at the WHO. He also represented Jordan at the World Health Assembly (WHA) meetings from 2014 to 2020.
He has also led several major projects within the Jordan MoH and has authored over 35 peer-reviewed publications. He delivered many scientific presentations at notable national and international conferences.
In addition to his professional endeavors, Dr. Tarawneh is actively involved in various advisory and governance roles and is a member of the:
- Board of Trustees of the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS)
- International Advisory Board of Research for Health in Conflict / MENA region
- Board of trustees of the National Breast Cancer Program
- Advisory Board of the Jordan Public Health Forum
- WONCA Council - World Organization of Family Doctors / EMR
- Advisory Group " Primary Health Care Measurement Initiative " / WHO.
Dr. Tarawneh earned his Medical Degree from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute in 1985. He earned his certification from the Jordan Medical Board (JMB) in Family Medicine in 1994 and got his Post Graduate Diplomas in Community Medicine from Jordan University and Diabetes from the UK.