Epidemiology of Communicable diseases
This program is suitable for candidates who plan to build a career in communicable diseases prevention and control. The program provides participants with the essential knowledge and skills related to communicable diseases of special interest at global and regional levels during a short period of 3 months. It categorizes diseases in groups and every category will cover the mode of transmission and recommended control measures including its diagnosis and treatment.
The overall objective of this program is to provide participants with systematic knowledge and skills in communicable diseases of high importance to enable them to establish effective and efficient control programs.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify disease infectious agents, vectors, and reservoirs and describe its occurrence
- Understand the basic elements of disease life cycle and link this to control
- Recommend measures for prevention, management of patients/ contacts and epidemic control considering the multi-disciplinary approach
- Recommend evidence-based cost-effectiveness interventions for communicable diseases and identify priority groups/ areas for control
- Assess the impact of measures undertaken to control communicable diseases
Field Work
Participants will spend seven weeks in the field in order to be exposed to real-life situations and to practice the skills they gain with the guidance of a dedicated mentor. The following field projects are expected to be conducted during the field work period:
- Analyze available data related to communicable diseases of importance in the area
- Recognize the role of care providers, facility laboratory, and nursing
- Understand the role of EPI and VBDs control programmes in disease prevention
- Participate in response to outbreak or emergency situations
Targeted Group
The program is targeting public health professionals working for ministries of health, non-governmental organizations, and universities. It’s a valuable step for those who are looking for a career in communicable diseases control. It’s also useful for those who are currently dealing with epidemics or are potential candidates for working in this field. It is also beneficial for frontline care providers who are the first to suspect and diagnose occurrences of diseases.


Courses In This Program

Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Neglected Tropical Diseases

Vector-Borne Diseases

Zoonotic diseases

Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS

Infectious respiratory diseases and Tuberculosis

Hospital-acquired infection and viral hepatitis

Blinding Diseases

Epidemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases