Leadership and Management
Public health leaders are workers who can work with emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills and the ability to inspire and empower, in addition to having the ability to manage time, financial and human resources and carry out missions. In the field of global health, it is common to find health workers who have been promoted to supervisory positions due to their technical knowledge but with little training in leadership and management.
This is especially seen in countries where decentralization has taken place and management responsibilities have been transferred in bulk. This results in work being done both ineffectively and inefficiently due to a lack of required skills. It also results in workplaces that are full of confusion and dissatisfaction.
At the root, most of the world’s pressing health issues can be alleviated by improved management practices related to coverage, motivation, and competence. In an attempt to build the regional capacity in health development, the training programs in Foundations in Leadership and Management for Public Health, and the courses it encompasses, are essential to better educate health professionals.
Eligibility criteria
- Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in health, medicine, behavioural, or social sciences, or any other related field of science.
- Preferably with work experience in a health-related field
- Demonstrated ability to study in English
In All Programs:
Training Delivery method: ( In-class method - Blended learning method )
Training Language: ( Arabic – English )
Who Should Apply:
The program is useful for public health professionals working for ministries of health, non-governmental organizations, and humanitarian agencies. It is also valuable for those looking for a career in Leadership and Management.
Learning Outcomes
- Develop, articulate, and implement a strategic plan that leads the organization toward accomplishing its vision and mission
- Track activities and assess the performance of those activities, and/or use assessment results to reassess program activities
- Estimate, justify, and manage appropriate resource levels to support mission accomplishment
- Acquire, maintain, and retain human resources who interact sensitively, effectively, and professionally to achieve more effective results
- Speak and write clearly, adapting communication styles and methods that are appropriate for the needs of the intended audience
- Show willingness to learn from previous experiences and mistakes, and apply lessons to improve performance
Field Work
Residents spend seven weeks in the field work in order to be exposed to real-life situations and to practice the skills they gain with the guidance of a dedicated mentor. The following field projects are expected to be conducted during the field work period:
- Develop a health intervention in-line with the region’s needs Required for Executory and Operative tracks
- Create a project proposal according to a planned project in their department Required for all tracks
- Reflect on their time management and make changes to improve their workflow Required for all tracks - Choose one of the following:
- Analyze the planning, organizing and supervising procedures of a key resource at their place of work and make plans for improvement
- Evaluate a function of human resources within their workplace and make a plan for improvement
- Write a success story reflecting on a project recently completed at their workplace and submit for publication to a relevant outlet At the end of the program, participants reconvene for final presentations and discussion.
Targeted Group
The program is useful for public health professionals working for ministries of health, non-governmental organizations, and humanitarian agencies. It is also valuable for those looking for a career in Leadership and Management.
