Applied Research Project

Carrying out an applied research project is a requirement to complete the Higher Diploma Certificate in public health research. Conducting research allows residents to integrate their knowledge in the field of public health into a specific subject area and transfer their ideas and results through a scientifically written product. The applied research project may be a descriptive research, survey research, development or evaluation of public health policy, or evaluation of health programs. The project must contain an analytical component, which may be qualitative or quantitative. residents can use existing datasets or collect their own datasets for research.

The resident is required to choose a subject for scientific research under the supervision of an experienced supervisor approved by the Academy. Upon approval of the proposal and research plan, the resident collects data, analyzes it, and writes the final report of their research. Residents are required to present and defend their research and those who pass the exam are awarded the Higher Diploma Certificate. Research topics can cover any area of public health.

Priority is given to field research and those that suggest or test practical solutions to existing problems related to the health system, community health and safety, field epidemiology, and other related ones.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify and study knowledge gaps in public health topics
  2. Conduct a literature review and critically assess the evidence on a particular topic
  3. Set research goal and objectives
  4. Design an appropriate study to meet research objectives
  5. Conduct the appropriate statistical analysis
  6. Write research results in a scientific paper according to the standards of international scientific journalsrs
Duration: 3 Months
Accredited By:


Residents who complete the three-month program requirements will be awarded Technical diploma issued by International Academy of Public Health (IAPH) and accredited by Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation (APHEA).