Advanced Research Methods
This course addresses the methodological issues crucial to the wide range of epidemiologic applications in public health and medicine. It covers a broad range of concepts and methods, including modern study designs, epidemiologic measures of association and impact, causal inference, methods of handling confounding, methods of identifying effect modification, measurement error and information bias, and validity and reliability.
The main objective of the course is to enhance a student’s ability to design and conduct unbiased and efficient health research studies.
Learning Outcomes
- Navigate within Excel’s User Interface (UI)
- Enter and format data to create a database
- Use formulas and functions to analyse data
- Organize data by sorting and filtering
- Create a histogram, epidemic curve, and line graph from a dataset
- Prepare and print a worksheet
- Review of Epidemiologic Study Designs
- Measures of Association and Impact
- Concept of Confounding
- Matching
- Interaction
- Stratified Analysis
- Error and Bias Precision and Validity Quality Assurance and Control

30 Learning Hours
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Advanced Research Methods
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