Communication Skills


Communication can take many forms: formal, informal, speaking, writing, listening, gestures and even body language. Participant’s practice speaking and writing clearly, adapting communication styles and methods that are appropriate for the needs of the intended audience.

They will make their fieldwork presentations and give and receive feedback from the facilitators and each other.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Communicate effectively in writing and orally with internal and external audiences
  2. Convey information and opinions in a structured and credible way
  3. Choose appropriate presentation methods for various types of audiences
  4. Develop an effective statement of need for funding requests
  5. Describe the benefits of using success stories to support a public health program
  1. Interpersonal Communication Skills
  2. Presentation Skills
  3. Report Writing
  4. Grant Writing
Fees $50.00
Accredited By

Course Features

Type: Self-Paced
Language: English
Duration: 30 LH


The participant will be awarded a certificate of successful completion upon completing the course.