Research and Statistical Methods


This course equips participants with practical skills to address the region's research challenges, focusing on hands-on guidance for conducting and publishing research. It covers designing unbiased studies, avoiding common pitfalls, and interpreting research articles. Participants will also learn statistical analysis techniques for biomedical data and healthcare records using SPSS.

By the end, they will confidently navigate the research and publishing process, perform statistical analyses, and critically evaluate findings, improving their chances of getting published in top journals.

نتاجات التعلم

  1. Create unbiased and efficient health research studies by designing comprehensive research protocols and addressing common challenges.
  2. Evaluate and critique research articles in medical literature by identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential biases.
  3. Apply essential concepts of hypothesis testing, statistical inference, and modeling techniques to real-world health science data.
  4. Analyze biomedical data and research databases using SPSS, selecting the appropriate statistical procedures for different data types.
  5. Interpret results from statistical analyses, draw valid conclusions, and effectively communicate findings in written reports.
  6. Synthesize knowledge gained to enhance the quality and impact of research publications, increasing the likelihood of successful peer review and citation.

Module 1: Introduction to Research Methods

  1. Basics of Research and Scientific Methods
  2. Types and Applications of Research
  3. Research Plan
  4. Literature Review
  5. Research Question and Hypothesis

Module 2: Research Designs

  1. Descriptive Studies, Case Reports, and Case Series4
  2. Ecological Studies
  3. Cross-sectional Studies
  4. Cohort Studies
  5. Case-Control Study
  6. Clinical Trials
  7. Quasi-Experimental 

Module 3: Basic Concepts in Research Methodology

  1. tudy area/setting, study population and sampling
  2. Basics of Sample Size
  3. Study Variables, and Data Collection Tools and Techniques
  4. Data Analysis and Presentation
  5. Potential Errors in Research and Critical Appraisal
  6. Data Collection Tools and Dummy Tables
  7. Time Frame, Budget, and Pilot Study

Module 4: Statistical Methods

  1. Review of Descriptive Statistics Session
  2. Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing Session
  3. Independent t Test
  4. The Chi-Square Test Session
  5. ANOVA Test Session
  6. Repeated Measures Analysis Session
  7. Simple Linear Regression Session
  8. Multiple Linear Regression Session
  9. Binary Logistic Regression Session
  10. Kaplan-Meier Survival Curves
  11. Additional SPSS Videos


هذا المساق مخصص ل : جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية
التسجيل مغلق الآن
المدة الزمنية: 30 ساعات التعلم
معتمد من قبل:


Participant who complete the stand alone course will be awarded a Certificate of Successful Completion.